Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Do you also want to leave?


August 25, 2024

A google search on “Sunday Morning” comes up with a lot of images — but almost none of them church (or the Bible)!

As we live into this time – a great unchurching of the United States – we hear the question of Jesus to the disciples:  “Do you also want to leave?”

For many of us, though, we say no, we want to stay in the community of faith, we want to follow Jesus.  

Why?  Why do you attend and participate in a community of faith?

Monday, August 19, 2024

You Only Live by Grace!

 August 18, 2024

“Take heed therefore — making the most of your time”  St Paul, letter to the Ephesians (Chapter 5:15-16)

YOLO — You only live once.  This is what is often said now when someone wants to encourage us to pursue adventure and indulge ourselves!!  In short, play hard!  This is especially true in our post COVID world, one that has realized how preciously short and fragile this one, holy and previous life that we have is. 

But is YOLO the Christian response to the shortness of our life span?  

Pastor Rob reflects on how for Christians we are called not simply play hard; or do avoid play altogether, but discover where our play and work meet each other.  When our work and play become each other, then we discover we are praising our creator.

Yet…there are times when work and play do not overlap.  What then?  We discover we need something more than YOLO — We need YOLG — You only live by grace!!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Grace, Taylor Swift and a neighborhood bully

 August 11, 2024

“Be gracious, as God graced you in Jesus Christ”  Paul, to the Ephesians.

What does grace look like in our lives?  (Standing out in the rain listening to Taylor Swift concerts from the city park?)  How do we extend grace to others?  (Including neighborhood bullies?)

A reflection on how God gives us our daily bread, the grace that forgives and opens our hearts to forgive others.