3 Epiphany (Sunday, January 26, 2025)
Today we hear Jesus’ inauguration speech as he gives his first sermon (Luke 4:11-21). In this sermon, Jesus lays out the fundamental direction of his ministry:
- Uplifting the poor
- By…opening the eyes and hearts of the rich to share what they have
- so that… all may live in a “body” that loves God and loves neighbor
It turns out this message was fundamentally different than the way the world worked 2,000 years ago. The message continues to be different from how our world works today. Then, and today, the culture’s moral foundation was a trinity of the self: self-expression, self-achievement and self-pleasure.
Which brings us the image for the sermon – bubbles of potential college majors. Pastor Rob invites us to a different way to talk to young people about their futures, one that would be less pagan and more focused on Christ’s teachings.
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