Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I chose you

Americans love choices, especially when it comes to religion. Yet Jesus isn't up for our consumer mentality: "You did not chose me, I choose you," He says. Instead of a consumer metaphor of choice and options, he gives us another way to think about our relationship with him: "I am the vine, you are the branches."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Holy Spirit and Mother's Day

The book of Acts often remains a mystery to us because of the active role of the Holy Spirit in the book. How does the Holy Spirit work? How is the Holy Spirit at work in our lives? And what does the Holy Spirit have to do with our mothers? Based on Acts 8:26-40.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You shall be my witnesses

This week Jesus tells us to be his witnesses. What does this mean, especially in an age when many people around the world and in our own neighborhoods do not know about Jesus? We can learn much from the disciples...but most importantly the crucified and risen hands of Jesus that he shows us. Based on Luke 24:36-42.