Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Easter 3: Road to Emmaus

Easter 3 (April 26)

“But we had hoped…”  Today the disciples find themselves disappointed and downtrodden, unable to see Jesus in their midst.  Likewise, as we move on the road of life — especially these days — we are often so overwhelmed that we cannot see Jesus.  Yet the Good News it that Jesus walks with us, just like he walked with those first disciples.  Pastor Rob reflects on the Luke Gospel passage, sometimes called “The Road to Emmaus, on where Jesus is revealing himself to us during this time:  in our homes, in creation and in our sharing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Easter 2: Back to Basics!

Easter 2 (April 19, 2020)

Most of the important rules in life — play fair, don’t hit, clean up your own mess — are things we learn at a young age.  But we must re-learn them again…and again.  The same is true with the basics of faith.  For example, we know the church is not a building, but we must be reminded of this again and again.  Pastor Rob reflects on John 20:19-31 ; this passage presents some very basic truths that our time in the corona quarantine have re-taught us.  The most important truth revealed and relearned is:  Jesus is Lord, whose love for you cannot be stopped.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easter: Living in Hope!

Easter 2020 (April 12)
“With fear and great joy” is how Matthew describes the women on Easter morning.  This year we know all too well what it is like to come to Easter with fear and great joy!

The angel challenges and commands the women to leave the tomb, living in hope.  Likewise, we too are commanded and challenged to live in hope.

As the women live in hope and move in faith. Jesus meets them!!  Likewise, we are given permission to live like there will be a tomorrow, always rejoicing as Jesus shows up today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Listening to creation

Palm Sunday (April 5, 2020)
This Palm Sunday Pastor Rob concludes the Lenten theme of listening, with a focus on “Listening to Creation.”  Creation is very much alive in Scripture including in the Palm Sunday Gospel (Luke 19:28-40).  The sermon calls us to listen to creation, learning from a sunrise, a donkey and a virus…about God’s faithfulness as well as our faithful response to God.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Listening to the Grieving

March 29, 2020 (Lent 5)
“Listening to the grieving.”  Months ago that was the intended theme for this week.  Turns out that it is entirely appropriate, although instead of thinking about a handful of people who are grieving, we all are grieving.  Pastor Rob reflects on John 11 as Jesus encounters a grieving community.  Jesus is at work, even in the midst of grief:  bringing us together, weeping with us and finally bringing about new life.