Tuesday, August 31, 2021

How much does Anger Inc. profit from you?


August 29, 2021

It is easy to be angry with what happens in the world.  But it is also easy to get sucked in, because there are people who profit from our anger: Anger, Inc.  How then should a Christian respond to the brokenness and sin in our world?  Pastor Rob looks at the letter of James, who presents us with another alternative to what Anger, Inc. is selling; namely, the way of Jesus Christ.

The image is from a Capital One page on anger.

In the wilderness


August 1, 2021

Life is moving along.  Crazy event happens.  Everything changes.  Eventually a new norm is reached.  But what about that in between time?  After the disruption but before the “new normal”?  You know, the kind of time we are living in now?!

The Bible describes this kind of time as a time in the wilderness.  As we consider times of wilderness in the Bible, there is much we can learn about how God is at work in our lives in times of wilderness.

The picture is called Manna in the Wildernesss by Sieger Köder.  For more on manna, check out the sermon.  For more on the artist, you can click here.