Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Advent II: Hope

This Sunday we hear the cry of John the Baptist, calling us to repent.  I wrestle with repentance and hope in this sermon. (Note I begin the service wearing a purple stole and end wearing a blue stole)

Advent I: Focusing on Christ

December. Christmas. The busiest time of year! It can be such an exhausting time of year. How do we fill our hearts with the love, joy and peace of Christ and not just all the "stuff" of Christmas? Advent, Advent Wreaths and Prayer.

Christ the King: Unlike any other

On this Sunday our church celebrated Christ the King Sunday. Before we focus on Jesus as a baby in Advent and Christmas, we remember him as the Triumphant King who rules for all time, having defeated death and sin. Today we focus on how Christ is a King unlike any other king or queen who has ever ruled on earth.