Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Societal Healing: Journey to Wholeness, Lent 2021


Lent 5

March 21, 2021

What is truth?

Information is cheap, spin is everywhere and truth is hard to find.  Like ancient Babel, we can’t seem to find a common language, a common set of facts with which to get along.  And the political-media machine keeps cashing in our anger and division.

Pastor Rob reflects on truth, specifically Jesus before Pilate (John 18:28-40).  In this world, truth is in the hands of those in power; power is the ability to wound others.  In God’s Kingdom, the truth is that we are wounded and wounding others, in need of a savior. God’s power is not the ability to wound, but to bring about healing out of wounds, including those of Jesus Christ.

A concluding reflection on the healing that has taken place along one of human history’s most bloody borders, that of Germany and France.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Environmental Healing: Journey to Wholeness, Lent 2021


4th Sunday in Lent

March 14, 2021

For many, Noah’s Ark seems almost like an ancient fairy tale: Good for children but not much for adults.  The story reveals a few truths for our time though, truths we still need to learn:  1)  God loves the whole world, including animals!  2)  Human sin can lead to environment destruction.  3)  God commanded then and still commands today Noah’s arks to be built – ways for us as humans to participate in the healing of creation.

A reflection on the healing of all things, including the environment, through Jesus Christ.

The picture is from Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, taken by Don Campbell.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Financial Healing: Journey to Wholeness, Lent 2021

Third Sunday in Lent

March 7, 2021

Text:  John 2:13-21 (Jesus Cleansing the Temple)

We’ve all seen the Lexus commercials.  Most of us would be happy to own such a nice car.  Yet truthfully, we all know that even a great car isn’t going to bring us real joy.

Pastor Rob reflects that there are two economies at work in our world.  The first is of the marketplace.  In this one, things and even people have a precise value.  While the economy of the marketplace can be a fine thing, it can become problematic when it works its way, not just into the ancient temples, but into our own inner sanctuaries.  When it functions, so to speak, ‘above its pay grade.’

There is another economy at work in this world; it is one of mercy and mutuality.  What does this look like?  And how does Jesus bring us into this economy?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Relational healing: Journey to Wholeness, Lent 2021

 Lent 2

February 28, 2021

“It’s complicated” is one way to describe romantic relationships.  But truthfully, it’s a way to describe just about every relationship that we experience.   There are many layers, including brokenness and grief.

Pastor Rob reflects on Genesis 3, relationship breakdowns (the blame-shame game!) and how God brings about relationship healing.