Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Whose Scandal is it Now?

April 7, 2019Fifth Sunday in Lent

It is a scandal!!  A sinful woman -- uninvited -- comes to the house of Pharisee, for the Pharisee is hosting Jesus for a meal.  The woman begins to wash his feet, anoint his feet with perfume, kiss them and dry it with her hair.​​  At first it all seems clear; the woman is lost.  But as we reflect more on the scandal of the scene, we are forced to realize that it is not her who is truly lost.  Based on Luke 7:36-50.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Acceptance and Rejection

March 24, 2019Fourth Sunday in Lent

At first, the younger and elder son of the father seem so different.  Yet both have a tremendous need and yearning for the acceptance of the father.  In our lives we hunger for acceptance from our parents and from our children.  So often these loving relationships live with the reality of rejection.  And so we come, hungry for an acceptance that find only in our relationship with our heavenly parent, Our Father.  Based on Luke 15:11-32