Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Who do YOU say that I am?


August 29, 2023

“Who do you say that I am?”  This is the question Jesus poses to his disciples on the road to the city of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13-20).

It is a question that we are asked as well — a question that we must answer in church, in the world and finally to Jesus.  A reflection on the challenges and ultimately joy in answering this question.

Some of you may find the cicadas in the outside recording distracting.  I think it is a better version of the sermon, but here is a link to the version preached at the early service

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

I am not enough. True?

August 13, 2023

In life we often find ourselves in situations where we are out of the boat, out of our comfort zone and frankly out of our league.  We hear the voice and tell ourselves “I am not enough; “I am not enough…for this job, this relationship, the situation.”  This is the predicament Peter finds himself in when he gets out of the boat to walk to Jesus!  As he tries to walk on the water, he realizes that he isn’t enough for this task and begins to sink.  As he cries out “Save me” he discovers the hand of Jesus is pulling him out of the water. (Matthew 14:22-33)

Pastor Rob considers the interaction of Peter and Jesus today to play around with the line “I am not enough” so that we can still tell ourselves the truth, but do so in a way that allows for us to move forward into life and life with Jesus.

This image comes from a Pinterest page.  There is other really good art on this site!