Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Relationships Require Courage


September 25, 2022

The story of Joseph being sold into slavery is a tragic one.  Some many people could have done something differently to avoid the situation.

Pastor Rob focuses on the lack of courage in the story, specifically in the person of Reuben.  It is easy to talk about relationships and character, but then come the moments of real test and challenge.

Turns out that “growing loving relationship with Jesus and each other” (St. Paul’s mission statement) requires courage in the face of sin, death and broken relationships.

The image comes from a University of Michigan website on caring giving for someone who is dying.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Am I Enough?


September 18, 2022

“Is there enough to pay for groceries?” 

“Do I have enough patience for this challenge?” 

“Am I good enough to find a partner in life?” 

Questions about whether we have enough or even more deeply, if we are enough haunt us our whole life. 

As we begin our sermon series on Joseph, we recognize that the story of Joseph focuses on the question of scarcity and abundance.  Throughout the story, we encounter questions of physical and emotional resources — is there enough, enough food, enough wisdom and enough love?  The answer we hear from life is a bit disturbing, a bit like our life — there may, actually, not be enough.

We need to hear another voice, not simply a word of affirmation, but a word of promise, that in Christ, we are enough.

The image is from https://karlamrose.weebly.com/blog/christ-is-in-me-i-am-enough

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Lost in our own home


September 11, 2022

Can one be lost in one’s own home?  In the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:1-10), the coin is lost in its own home.  Furthermore, the being lost is entirely not of its own doing, simply a result of how life flowed.

In our own lives, we too can feel lost and disoriented, even in our own homes, for reasons entirely beyond our control.  A reflection on the work of God in those times.

Note:  The art work is by Godfried Schalcken.  This copy may be found at https://artvee.com/dl/the-parable-of-the-lost-piece-of-silver/

We have our own copy at the church, but the lighting prevented a good photo from being taken.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Mess, not the Monastery


September 4, 2022

Doing the right thing is hard.  Life gets messy!

Sometimes, in fact, we might be tempted to think that following Jesus occurs in the wilderness, away from things and away from others.  While getting away for a bit is good and healthy, ultimately, Jesus calls us to follow him and live our out discipleship amid the messiness of life.

A reflection on the messes we make — middle school hallways, home construction projects and college admission processes.  Turns out not only are we called to live in the mess, but that God can make things beautiful there too.  

The image comes from an article on the website Ignatian Spirituality about God in the Mess.