Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Gift of Christmas

December 24, 2018
Christmas Eve
There is so much to do that Christmas can feel like a burden.  Pastor Rob proclaims the good news, that Christmas and the gift of Jesus Christ as a gift!  He then unwraps a bit what this might mean for us.  And because he is preaching on Luke 2​, there are sure to be surprises.

Hark and Harold

December 24, 2018
Christmas Eve:  Childrens' Worship
Pastor Rob and Deacon Emily play two angels, "Hark" and "Harold."  Alas, Harold has slept through Christmas!!

Advent 4: Pondering with Mary

December 23, 2018
Fourth Sunday of Advent
At the end of the year, we often find ourselves reflecting on the year behind and the year ahead.  Based on the witness of Mary, Pastor Rob offers two questions for us to consider:  1)  How was God been faithful to me in the last year?  2)  What risks is God calling me to take in faith in the coming year?   (Based on Mary's Magnificat, Luke 1).

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Advent 3: Who holds the future

December 16, 2018
Third Sunday of Advent
Mary has arguably the most important role in Holy Scripture after Jesus -- to bear him in her womb, birth him, nurse him and raise him.  Yet she is given precious little data about her assignment.  In life we also are not given much information about the road ahead.  In fact, we often only have as much information as Mary, namely:  We do not know what the future holds, but only the one who holds the future.  (Based on Gabriel's visit to Mary, Luke 1).

Weep Warwick Weep

For the Blue Christmas service this year, I wrote a poem (as my sermon)

At Christmas time, I see many colors

This is one of the joys of Christmas, the colors.

The colors on the tree, the colors in the windows

Oh yes, I see many colors at Christmas.

I see greens in wreaths that grace doorways

I see velvet on Mary and I see velvet on little girl’s dresses

I see straw yellow around Jesus and in my golden retriever running around the tree

I see sparkling rubies in wise men’s robes and I see sparking ornaments on Christmas trees.


I remember my first Christmas after my grandmother died.

I expected bright gold as I anticipated seeing her again

Gold, something bright, something eternal, something lovely

I knew I wouldn’t see her again on Christmas, for she had died

But I expected colors.  Bright colors that would somehow tell me

I’m here Rob.

I did not hear that voice.

I did not see gold. 

That year I saw purple.

Purple, the color of Lent, the season before Easter. 

The season in which we walk with Jesus to the cross.

That was an odd color to see on Christmas Eve

A color I associate with fasting, discipline and even death…

Purple is a part of Christmas though, as the hymn reminds us: 

Nails, nails shall pierce him through, a cross be born for me and you. 

But I did not want to see this color. 

I wanted to a soft glow emerge from the manger, to see that life wins, to see joy unfolding before my eyes

I wanted to see everything put back together

I wanted my family put back together. 


This year I have seen a lot of red and black;

I have seen the posters and signs UV stickers that tell me

In red and black

Warwick Strong

At first I understood the what and why of this slogan

We wanted to come together and stand united in the face of death

          As if

          As if

As if we could fight it ourselves, somehow stand up and not let it get the last laugh

But death is a mighty foe, one whose weapons are ancient and unrelenting. 

And so, I’ve begun to say, ever so softly

          Warwick weep

Weep for your children

          Weep for your loss of innocence.

                    Weep because we are out of words

                             Weep Warwick weep


We may be out of words, but this world, this world that God made, is not out of colors

No, Christmas still has it’s colors:  red, black, green, blue

But is there gold? 


The gold of the angels, the gold of the magi, the gold of the Christ child is there

Do not fear if you cannot see the gold this year

If all you can see is purple or blue or red or some other color

For there is Gold, there is a promise of God’s love

There is a promise of hope that even death will finally kneel

And adore on bended knee the new born king

A coda

My desire is to wrap Christmas in a beautiful bow

To cover up all the grief in streams of gold and silver and glory

As if grief was simply a stage, something to be dealt with

Something that could be packaged

But I know it is not. 

Grief is too powerful, too present, too elusive for this.

Oh how I long to put it all back together

The pastor’s, the care-givers’ torture

To realize we cannot put humpty dumpty back together

And heal every heart

And make Christmas back to the way it was, it is and ever more shall be.  Forever.  Amen.

I offer no packages of grief boxed up and painted over.

I offer a promise:

The Christ child’s love is big enough.

Big enough to handle your grief,

your sadness

your anxiety

or whatever else you bring tonight.

For unto you, whatever color you see, a savior is born.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Advent 2: Mercy breaking forth the new dawn

December 9, 2018
Second Sunday of Advent
Through our perspective and experience, we can sometimes see things that others cannot.  For example, an excellent coach can see mistakes players are making that others cannot.  The ancient priest, Zachariah, and his wife Elizabeth, can see something that others cannot -- the new dawn that is breaking by the mercy of God.  Pastor Rob reflects on where we may see this dawn breaking forth in our life.   (Look at the birth of John the Baptist and the "Song of Zachariah" in Luke 1).

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Advent 1: Getting Lost in Jesus

December 2, 2018
First Sunday of Advent
There is this thing called "Christmas"; in many ways it is so much "bigger" than the celebration of Jesus' birth.  It is easy to get lost in all the happenings of the month of December.  Pastor Rob offers three Advent gifts to help you get lost, not in the shuffle, but in the mystery and majesty of Jesus Christ and his coming among us (look at Luke 1 and Luke 21).

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Stories we pass on

November 18, 2018
(First Communion for 2nd graders)

Do you remember reading before bed with your parents as a child?  Pastor Rob reflects on the stories we pass on to our children.  One of the important stories we as a church (not just St. Paul, but all churches) pass on to our children is in Mark  14, the story of the Last Supper.  As we offer our 2nd graders their first communion this Sunday, we reflect on the significance of this story.

A different kind of bucket list

November 11, 2018
(Women of the ELCA Thankoffering)

Jesus finds himself in need of a bucket when he encounters a woman at the well in John 4.   Pastor Rob reflect on how God can work important acts of love through every day things such as a bucket.  Instead of having a "bucket list" that consists of things we want to do before we die ("kick the bucket") Pastor Rob offers another bucket list:  The list of ordinary things in our lives that God uses for a holy purpose.

Divine Grief

November 4, 2018
All Saints Sunday

Pastor Rob reflects on John 11, a powerful story of grief.  Jesus encounters Mary, Martha and a gathering crowd, all of whom are mourning the death of Lazarus (their brother).  It is a story in which we can easily find ourselves as we struggle with grief and hope.  It is also a story in which we find out what happens when Jesus, the divine resurrection and life, grieves.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Praying in times of Crisis

October 28, 2018
Reformation Sunday

This past weekend our community experienced a tragedy, right in front of our congregation.  As Christians and as a Christian community, we are called to prayer in tough times.  But how do we pray in such times as this?  (And what does any of this have to do with Reformation Sunday)  Based on Mark 10:46-52

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Inspired to Serve

October 21, 2018

Jesus teaches and models servanthood.  But he also sends his Spirit so that we might be inspired, led and challenged to serve others.  Pastor Rob reflects on where the Spirit is moving at St. Paul to inspire us into deeper levels of service.  Based on Mark 10:35-45.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

God's Economy

October 14, 2018

This is a sermon where it probably would have been better to be there live than listen to it...because Pastor Rob was giving away money throughout the sermon!!  The sermon focuses on God's economy as opposed to the world's economy, looking at some tough words of Jesus in Mark 10:17-31.

Original Garden

October 7, 2018

We all have a deep sense of what the world should like -- what Pastor Rob calls "Original Garden."  How do we then live in a world that does not fully reflect the "original garden."  Pastor Rob talks about the power of God's word to guide us from the first to the final garden...A look at Genesis 2:18-25.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Us vs Them

September 30, 2018

Our world is plagued by "Us vs Them" thinking.  This blinds us to the humanness of others and blinds us to the sins in ourselves.  Most importantly, it is not the vision of God for our world!  Pastor Rob takes a hard look at the events of the past week, namely, the hearing of Mr. Kavanaugh and Mrs. Ford.  The Gospel passage from which Pastor Rob preaches is Mark 9:38-50.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Power of One

September 23, 2018

Right after Jesus commands his disciples to serve all people, he embraces one child.  Jesus reveals the power of one -- the power to love, serve and impact the world one person at a time.  As we follow Jesus, we need to remember the power of one -- the power to impact the world one person, one gesture of love at a time.   Ultimately, we discover the Jesus it the true power of one, as he is the one who loved and served the world, including you!  (Mark 9:38-50)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What are you priorities?

September 16, 2018

What are your priorities in life?  In our Gospel (Mark 8:27-38) passage Jesus confronts his disciples about their priorities.  Instead of seeking their own agenda, they are called to "deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow" Jesus.  Words for us to consider -- what should our priorities be?

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Is he Safe?

September 9, 2018 

"Is he safe?"  This is the question asked about Aslan the Lion in "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe."  Aslan represents Christ and so C.S. Lewis (the author) is getting at a hard truth --  Christ is not always safe, but he is good!  He is good and courageous and compassionate.  But safe by our standards, not likely!
 A look at Mark 7:24-37.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Words of Eternal Life

September 2, 2018 

As go through life, we encounter many heartaches.  In these situations, we find ourselves crying with Peter -- "To whom shall we go!?"   And with Peter, we find the answer "Lord, you have the words of eternal life."  

Monday, September 3, 2018

Spiritual but not Religious

August 12, 2018

Spiritual but not religious -- this is becoming a more and more popular term for people to describe their faith.  Pastor Rob suggests that the Old Testament character Elijah is the patron Saint of the Spiritual but not Religious  
(1 Kings 19).  We look at how God healed Elijah for insight into how we might be agents of God's healing in this world for people who consider themselves spiritual but not religious.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Worthy of the Calling

August 5, 2018 

Paul urges us to "live a life worthy of the calling."  
(Ephesians 4:1-6).  What might this look like?  Paul tells us that the life in Christ is lived in humility, gentleness and patience.  Why might have Paul chosen these to describe our life in Christ?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Gather the broken

July 29, 2018

After feeding 5,000, Jesus calls his disciples to gather the broken leftovers 
(John 6:1-13).  What is at stake isn't simply extra bread, but the mission of the church:  To gather in the broken people into a community of faith, grounded in the cross!
To put it more simply:  Jesus can handle the broken parts of our lives. 
Also, during this sermon, Pastor Rob uses a felt board to construct our new logo.

Cast your nets out into the deep!

July 22, 2018

Jesus calls his disciples to cast their nets into the deep 
 (Luke 5).  Time and time again, Jesus calls us out of our comfort zone.  A reflection on living in faith.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Making Sense of the Senseless

July 15, 2018 

The beheading of John
 (Mark 6is violent, cruel...and frankly, senseless.  What do we do this senseless story of lust, pride and violence?  What do we do with the senseless parts of human history?  What do we do with the senseless parts of our own story?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Road Trip!

July 8, 2018

Road Trip!  Jesus sends out his disciples with some unusual packing instructions (Mark 6).  As we travel during the summer -- and really as we journey through life -- Jesus also offers us some packing instructions.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Loving everyone?

July 1, 2018

Jesus heals two dramatically different people (Mark 5), a beautiful reminder that Jesus loves all people.  How do we live with this teaching to love all people in a political situation in our country right now that is filled with anger and fear?  Not an easy answer, but Pastor Rob reflects on how we can move forward, ultimately commending us to a ministry of reconciliation:  giving our fear and anger to the cross, not back to the world.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Peace amid life's storms

June 24, 2018

The storms of life happen, even to good people, even to people in the boat with Jesus  (Mark 4).   Pastor Rob talks about how we can prayerfully respond to the storms of life: prayers of "lament" (church word for complaint!).  The story though does not end with a storm but with the peace that Christ's brings.  Christ comes amid the storms of our life offering his peace.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Timeless Truths

June 17, 2018

When teaching parables (Mark 4) Jesus offers us some timeless truths -- easy to comprehend, but difficult to put into practice.  Pastor Rob relates these timeless truths to the new logo for our church, which is based on the theme, Rooted and Growing.

In a nutshell, there is a timeless truth that we are called into service of our neighbor (represented by the stained-glass like image of the world).  Yet, the most important timeless truth is that God's love is poured out for us in the cross of Christ, which stands at the center, as a free gift!

You can see the new logo here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Not to be domesticated

June 10, 2018

Throughout Mark 3 people try to "tame" Jesus.  They are wildly unsuccessful.  And that is a very good thing.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Losing his cool

June 3, 2018

Jesus loses his cool in Mark 2:23-3:6.  Why?  Because he sees the hardness of the human heart.  2,000 years later, we still struggle with our hearts being hardened.  What about God's heart?  ...and how does God deal with the hardness of our hearts?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Called and Sent

May 27, 2018
Holy Trinity Sunday
God is on a mission to save the world.  And you have a part to play.  Based on Isaiah 6.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Confirmation 2018

May 20, 2018
Pentecost (with Confirmation of Youth)

Pastor Rob reflects on the two things he hopes the confirmation youth will take with them as they are confirmed.  For those unfamiliar with confirmation -- it is a time when youth who were baptized as a child are given the chance to "confirm" their baptism, to say "yes" to the promises of God and seeking to live as a disciple.  A reflection based on Acts 2.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Witnessing in a changed world

May 13, 2018

Strange as it may sound, the youth in our congregation often find themselves a religious minority here in Lancaster County.  No longer being able to assume that my neighbor is Christian is a huge shift for our community and our congregation.  This changes everything about how we do ministry.  A reflection based on Luke 24:34-53 and Acts 1.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A good man...

May 6, 2018
6th Sunday of Easter 

Cornelius is a Bible person you've probably never heard of, but probably would like to have as a neighbor.  Pastor Rob reflects on our call as a church to reach out to people like Cornelius.  A reflection based on John 15:1-8 and Acts 10.


April 29, 2018
5th Sunday of Easter 

Jesus tells us today that God "prunes" us of branches that do not bear fruit.  What might this look like?  Why would God do such a thing?  It all goes back to our Easter theme:  Love!  A reflection based on John 15:1-8 and Acts 8:26-40.