Wednesday, March 21, 2018

God is not a genie

March 18, 2018
Fifth Sunday of Lent

Abraham boldly prays to God not to destroy the town of Sodom (Chapter 18 of Genesis)  This is a story to encourage us be bold in our prayers; the story also reminds us that God is not a genie in a bottle; not all prayers as answered as we would like.

A God who surprises us!

March 11, 2018
Fourth Sunday of Lent

Our God is a God who surprises us!  In Chapter 18 God surprises Abraham and Sarah over and over until the point where they are laughing in disbelief and joy!  Pastor Rob unpacks what it means for us that our God -- in both the Old Testament and New Testament -- is a God of surprises!

We all have a chapter 16 filing

March 4, 2018
Third Sunday of Lent

Everything goes wrong in Genesis Chapter 16.  It is a total moral failure by Abraham (and Sarah!).  What do we make of this - and why in the world would Pastor Rob preach on this?  Hint -- there is a lot of Gospel deep within this passage.
​Note:  Abram/Sarai and Abraham/Sarah are the same people in Scripture.