Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Names of Jesus: Prince of Peace


Advent 1 2021

November 28, 2021

Names, names and more names!  This Advent (the weeks leading up to Christmas), we will focus on the names of Jesus.  Pastor Rob unpacks why names are so important in the Bible (and in life!).  The focus this week is on the name “Prince of Peace.”  Jesus is the peace that our world and hearts need so desperately.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What is truth?

 Christ the King Sunday

November 21, 2021

“What is truth”?  This is the cynical question asked by Pilate as he sentences Jesus to crucifixion.  Pastor Rob reflects on Pilate’s cynicism and acknowledges the continuing reality of a broken world in which truth is determined by the powerful.  Then, Pastor Rob offers an alternative witness to truth and power, that of Jesus Christ crucified and risen.  This is our hope:  the foundation of the universe is not retribution, but reconciliation through Jesus!

Ecce Homo by Antonio Ciseri

Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Great Resignation


November 14, 2021

We are in the midst of the “Great Resignation” as people quit their jobs in record numbers.  The pandemic has rocked the foundation of people’s lives and many are changing various facets of their lives, including their work.  Reflecting on Jesus’ words (regarding the Temple’s destruction, Mark 13:1-8), Pastor Rob reflects that Christians have been through many times of challenge and change, periods of “great resignation.”  Jesus invites us as we move forward not into a “great resignation”, however, but a “great recalibration” or truly a”great rebuilding” with Christ as the foundation.

The image comes from https://uvaro.com/blog/the-great-resignation

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Family Recipes and Eternal Glory

 All Saints Sunday, 2021

In many families recipes are passed on from generation to generation.  These recipes are so meaningful, especially after someone dies.

Yet these recipes can also cause some sadness as we realize that those who have gone before us in faith — those who have died — cannot be brought back to life through our recipes and traditions.  Pastor Rob reflects on Revelation 21 and the hope we have as Christians…a hope that might just include family recipes.

(This particular recipe photo is from a website about a particular individual's grandmother (here).  I can’t vouch for the recipe, although I am tempted to try it)

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

You are free to fail!


Reformation Sunday (Oct 31), 2021

Today is not only Reformation Sunday, but also the Sunday in which we confirm youth in our church. 

The youth in our society are the most evaluated, analyzed and assessed youth in the history of our country, if not human civilization.  Living under this microscope, many youth are developing a deep fear of failure.  Pastor Rob offers the (Reformation) Gospel to such youth and to all of us:  You are free to fail!  A sermon on youth culture today, the fear of failure and ultimately the promises of God’s love.

The image comes from: https://alittlecounseling.com/blog/2019-02-24-fear-of-failure/