Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Needed: A Champion!

When in your life have you encountered something that you considered not just bad or wrong, but evil?

In the Gospel of Mark, we hear a story of Jesus encountering evil (Mark 1:21-28).  While Mark tells the story so briefly that one might be tempted to overlook it, further reflection forces one to recognize the connection between how evil works in the passage and how evil works in our world.  This unsettling reality leads us to hunger for champion, one who is mighty enough to contend against the forces in this world and in our lives.

This story is an epiphany story, a story that reveals who that champion is and what it means to live under his cross.

The photo is from the US Holocaust Museum and was used to transport people to concentration camps.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Resilience and Repentance


January 21, 2021 (3rd Sunday after Epiphany)

“After John (the Baptist) was arrested, Jesus went into Galilee began to proclaim the Good News…” (Mark 1:14)

The arrest of John meant Jesus could no longer continue with business as usual.  In our lives, we often encounter situations in which we cannot go back to life as it was.   What have been those situations in your life?  And how did your respond?  Frankly, we all likely have responded well to some adversity; and not so well to other challenges.  Why is this?  What makes people or at least people in certain situations more resilient?  What could make you or me more resilient?

A reflection on Jesus calling his disciples and teaching them resilience.

The image comes from “The Ursuline Sisters” webpage.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Baptism of Jesus & Broken New Year’s Resolutions

 Baptism of Jesus (January 7, 2024)

Have you kept your resolutions?  

Pastor Rob offers a word of encouragement and challenge to refine and revitalize your resolutions in light of Jesus’ Baptism.

(Didn’t make resolutions — not a problem — this sermon is what Jesus baptism and our baptisms mean for the direction and purpose of our lives).

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Magi and Three Questions


Christmas II (Dec 31, 2023)

You beat the level Mario — but as it turns out, they moved the real princess to another castle!

It is a metaphor for life, where the goal posts of achievement always seem to be moving.  Questions, based on the story of the Magi and their gifts, which are an invitation to move out of doing life as it is a video game.

  • If you get where you are going, will you have found what you are looking for?
  • Are your friends…friends for the party or friends for the feast?
  • What will you need to leave behind to move ahead?
Note:  Jan 6 is traditionally the date reserved for Matthew 2:1-11, the Magi arriving in Bethlehem to worship Jesus.  However, this year January 6 is on a Saturday and Sunday, January 7 is the Baptism of Jesus; therefore, we moved up reflection on the Magi and their journey.